
Requiere iOS 9.0 o posterior. Compatible con iPhone, iPad y iPod touch. Requiere Android 4.0.3 y versiones posteriores

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Product Description

ReachMD lets healthcare professionals Be part of the knowledge® by discovering, participating in, and sharing medical education and clinical information through on demand programming and 24/7 streaming broadcasts. ReachMD formats include video, audio, slides, and text-based programs. ReachMD’s library includes more than 9,000 medical broadcasts featuring clinical research, medical practice, disease management, and patient care strategies. It is the leading source nationwide of on air, online, and mobile medical education and information.

• Enjoy an award-winning user experience!
• Access a full library of relevant medical information and CME, with new content added weekly
• Listen to a live stream 24/7 featuring broadcast interviews
• Participate in FREE CME/CE and take the exam directly on your Android device
• Choose from your favorite media formats: video, audio, slides, and text
• Receive content recommendations based on your profession and specialty
• Use keyword searches to find the right CME/CE, videos, transcripts, podcasts, and more
• Browse 60+ branded shows, including content partners such as FDA, Mayo Clinic, and CDC
• Enjoy “Follow Me” functionality — start on one device, pick up on another
• Engage with social media features such as share, comment, and like
• Listen to ReachMD content while using other device applications
• Search for live medical meetings and conferences
• Advance your career by searching for job opportunities (under My Career)
• Sign in easily with single sign on (SSO) experience and social registration

ReachMD shows and partners allow us to provide access to some of the world’s leading medical experts. Check out some of ReachMD’s most popular shows, such as Primary Care Today, Diabetes Discourse, Lipid Luminations, Book Club, FDA Voice, The JAMA Report, Nutrition Edge, Project Oncology, Women’s Health Fridays, Updates from Mayo Clinic, Curious Headlines: Dispatches from the Stranger Side of Medicine… and so much more.


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